
  • 02 Aug 2023

    Yakisoba and Takoyaki

    Exploring local cuisine or street food when you travel is a must as part of the cultural experience.​

    Similar to how Singaporeans love hawker centres or Pasar Malam, Japanese love to visit matsuri (festivals) to experience the vibe and the food. Coming to you in September, we are making two of the more popular Japanese street food favoured by Singaporeans!​

    Look easy than done, make these cute, small battered balls (Takoyaki) filled with chewy octopus filling and its classic garnishes​

    For added tummy-satisfaction, stir up a plateful of Yakisoba (Japanese Stir-fried Noodles) served with a glowing sunny side up. In all these savoury delights, cleanse your palette with a creamy homemade vanilla ice cream to end the meal with a sweet note!​

    Booking will be available at Member’s Page: and ABC Connect App from 1 Aug 2023 onwards. Savour the flavours of Japan and exclaim, “Oishii!”​

    *Contains pork and gelatin.​

    *This menu will be conducted at Takashimaya, Westgate and Jewel Studio from 1 – 30 Sep, to all members with an existing Cooking credit/course/package.​

    *The lesson will be deducted from your existing Cooking credit/course/package.​

    *The image is for illustration purposes only. Actual products may vary.​

    • Yakisoba and Takoyaki
Bringing Smiles To Dining Tables All Around The World